La Zafra

Ragione sociale: La Zafra
Indirizzo: Partida Collao Safra, 6RD – 03640 Monóvar (Alicante) – SPAGNA
Telefono: +34 685529217
Sito internet:
Proprietario: Mar Cabanes Morote
Possibilità di visitare l’azienda: Yes, but only by demand (arranging the date a few days before, and in seasons without much work).
Eventuali strutture ricettive: We haven´t yet.
Eventuali servizi in azienda:
Eventuali prodotti acquistabili in azienda: Wine and saffron.
Descrizione del nucleo famigliare e loro coinvolgimento nelle attività agricole:
Ignacio and me (Mar) carry out all the tasks of the field, the winery and the household chores together. For reasons of education, Ignacio is usually more in charge of working with the tractor, and I am more in charge of issues such as communication and marketing. The rest we try to do in the most balanced way possible. We have a teenage girl and boy who help us sometimes
Estensione terreni: 18,12 ha
Altitudine: 400 m s.l.m.
Superficie coltivata a vigneto: 7,14 ha
Superficie coltivata a oliveto: 1,18 ha
Cereali coltivati: Almonds (5,83ha) and saffron (0,8ha). All rainfed, without irrigation.
Tipo di conduzione: 20% of the land is owned and the rest leased. In the vineyards, we own the 13% and the rest is leased.
Tipo di coltivazione: Certified, Organic
Eventuali società di certificazione: CAECV (Comité de Agricultura Ecológica de la Comunidad Valenciana), is the public certification in our region.
Eventuale laboratorio di analisi utilizzato:
Enologo o responsabile di cantina: just us
Agronomo o responsabile conduzione agricola: just us
Lavoratori fissi: 2
Lavoratori stagionali: 4
Tipologia di contratto di lavoro utilizzata per i lavoratori fissi:
Tipologia di contratto di lavoro utilizzata per i lavoratori stagionali: According to the official agreement in force
Ricorso a lavoro interinale:
Vini prodotti:
Cantalà brisado, Cantalà rosado, Cantalà tinto, MonVal, Tintorera, Valencí, Punxó brisado, NUET. All with DOP Vinos de Alicante.
Numero totale di litri d’olio prodotti: 100
Vendita diretta: 10% and in markets or fairs about 15%
Canali distributivi:
Vendita nella media e/o grande distribuzione: 25% direct to bars and restaurants, 20% in medium and 30% in large distribution
Totale vendite ultimo anno solo vino: 23.000€
Una breve storia dell’azienda:
My family have always been farmers… And they have spent more than 6 generations cultivating the lands that we now take care of. My father did have another job and only worked in the fields on weekends and holidays. Although he always wanted me to study to have a career and a future “abroad”, he instilled in me his respect and love for work, for nature and the countryside.
He died in 2010, and I felt that I had a responsibility to continue to care for and defend our land and our territory.
Ignacio and I met while militating in social movements in 2011, in 2012 we created an association to develop agroecological and food sovereignty projects in Ciudad Real. La Zafra began in 2016, when we decided to come to live in Monóvar, where I grew up, and start our own project to cultivate my family’s land.
We knew that primary production was not profitable, so we decided to make our own wine. We started with 1ha (the only one we own), in a very small place, and little by little we expanded with land from relatives and neighbors. Now we make our wine in an old winery, near the vineyards, which years ago belonged to my family and now we have recovered.
Cenni storici e geografici sul territorio:
Monóvar has been a important wine-growing area for centuries and known thanks to its main variety (Monastrell) and the Fondillón wine. Now it is in decline, many wineries have been closing and many vines are being uprooted. It is a very dry area, yields are very low (2,000-3,000 kg/ha), so many people are abandoning the countryside, especially the vineyards. We are in the southwest of the province of Alicante, inland, very close to the region of Murcia. We have the influence of the sea (40km) but our climate is dry and inland.
Condizioni ambientali del posto e dell’area di produzione:
We are in a very arid and dry area, and this year has been especially hot and dry, with reductions of 80-90% compared to an average year. Our vineyards are very close to the mountain, so the animals have done us a lot of damage, especially the deer and mouflons, which ate the shoots during budding. Farmers are uprooting the vines because of their low production and the low price of red wine. In addition, since 2020 we have also have the threat of large photovoltaic plants, near our vineyards there are two macro-projects: one of 400ha and the other of about 700ha. We are involved with a citizen platform to try to stop its construction.
I miei principi e idealità di produttore:
We believe in collective action, the defense of the territory and in agriculture as one of the most dignified jobs. For us, returning to the Zafra (the mountain and land that gives the project its name) has been a political act… If my ancestors were farmers and at some time it was thought that they were farmers because they could not opt for anything else, we have been trained, we have studied degrees, we have worked abroad, we have travelled… and we have decided to learn again, to commit ourselves, to get our hands dirty to dignify this profession (and dignify ourselves). And, in addition… Look how good, we make wine! We love it! Both do it and share it! We also make almonds and saffron… but it is not the same ;)
La mia opinione sull’utilizzo di OGM e TEA o NBT/NGT:
Uff… it seems to us an aberration… both Ignacio and I have been closely linked to the maintenance and recovery of local varieties (all the varieties we grow are traditional), and we think that seeds and genetic material should not be owned, since they have belonged to the people who generation after generation have been selecting them and they are a common good. No laboratory should have the power to genetically modify a living being… not even to have a patent for any plant variety or animal breed.
Nome del vino:
Cantalà tinto (DOP Vinos de Alicante)
Annata: 2021
La viticoltura
Nome vigneto/i: Cantalà (its name is because there are a lot of stones, that are called «cantals» in Catalan language)
Superficie: 1 ha
Suolo: Calcarius, with a lot of stones
Esposizione dei filari: West
Altitudine: 400 m s.l.m.
Vitigno/i: Monastrell 100%
Portainnesto/i: American foot graft
Forma di allevamento: Goblet pruning
Anno d’impianto: 2000
Densità d’impianto: 1200 ceppi/ha
Produzione per ceppo: 2,5 kg/pianta
Produzione per ettaro: 3.000 q/ha
Trattamenti: We do two sulphur treatments and two kaolin treatments, and copper only in wet springs (2 passes maximum). For the cluster moth, we use Bacillus Thuringiensis.
Fertilizzanti: We fertilise every two or three years with pelletised organic fertiliser from dried organic manure.
Data inizio vendemmia: 23/09/2021
Modalità di vendemmia: Manual, in cases of 15 kg
Utilizzo di uve acquistate da terzi: No for this wine. We only buy grapes (harvested by us) for Tintorera and Valencí wines (of these varieties).
Certificazioni: Organic
Eventuali notizie aggiuntive inerenti la viticoltura: Unirrigated land
Modalità di diraspatura e pigiatura: Small and vertical electric destemmer and crusher.
Modalità di pressatura: With a manual press.
Vinificatori in: small Stainless steel containers
Macerazione: 10 days, about 24º (no temperature control).
Anidride solforosa e/o acido ascorbico: No sulphur dioxid added.
Utilizzo di lieviti selezionati: We don´t use comercial yeast
Metodologia di stabilizzazione: Time
Filtraggi: NO
Chiarifiche: NO
Affinamento in acciaio: 8 months
Affinamento in bottiglia: 2 years
Eventuali correzioni: NO
Uso di mosto concentrato/mosto concentrato rettificato: NO
Utilizzo di concentratore: NO
Pratiche di “salasso”: NO
Resa uva/vino: 66%
Numero di bottiglie prodotte: 1998
Tipologia bottiglia: Grape/wine yield
Tappo in: Natural cork
Controllo temperatura cantina o magazzino: no
Destinazione delle vinacce: Ammendante organico
Produzione di grappe o distillati: NO
Le caratteristiche chimiche
Titolo alcolometrico: 13,5º Vol. %
Acidità: 5,5 g/l
Estratto secco:
Anidride solforosa libera:
Anidride solforosa totale: 13 mg/l
Descrizione organolettica e libera
Il mio vino è:
Intense, elegant and complex, but with freshness. Ripe fruit and spices,
Prezzo sorgente relativo alla bottiglia: 14€
Eventuali altre considerazioni:
We make other wines, but all with the same philosophy and methodology as the one we have just described (without clarifying, without filtering, without adding sulphites (90% of our wines have less than 10mg SO2/litre). All of them are local varieties, all except one (MonVal) single varietal and all except one (Madara) without barrels. In the file that I have sent in word there are 3 more. Thank you!
Nome del vino:
Madara (DOP Vinos de Alicante)
Annata: 2019
La viticoltura
Nome vigneto/i: Madara
Superficie: 0,8 ha
Suolo: Calcarius
Esposizione dei filari: West
Altitudine: About 350 m s.l.m.
Vitigno/i: Monastrell
Portainnesto/i: American foot graft
Forma di allevamento: Goblet pruning
Anno d’impianto: 2000
Densità d’impianto: 1200 ceppi/ha
Produzione per ceppo: 2,5 kg/pianta
Produzione per ettaro: 3000 q/ha
Trattamenti: We do two sulphur treatments and two kaolin treatments, and copper only in wet springs (2 passes maximum). For the cluster moth, we use Bacillus Thuringiensis
Fertilizzanti: We fertilise every two or three years with pelletised organic fertiliser from dried organic manure
Data inizio vendemmia: 07/10/2019
Modalità di vendemmia: Manual, in cases of 15 kg
Utilizzo di uve acquistate da terzi: No for this wine. We only buy grapes (harvested by us) for Tintorera and Valencí wines (of these varieties)
Certificazioni: Organic.
Eventuali notizie aggiuntive inerenti la viticoltura: Unirrigated land
Modalità di diraspatura e pigiatura: Small and vertical electric destemmer and crusher
Modalità di pressatura: With a manual press
Vinificatori in: small Stainless steel containers
Macerazione: 6 days, about 24º (no temperature control)
Anidride solforosa e/o acido ascorbico: No sulphur dioxid added
Utilizzo di lieviti selezionati: We don´t use comercial yeast
Metodologia di stabilizzazione: Time
Filtraggi: NO
Chiarifiche: NO
Affinamento in acciaio: 8 months
Affinamento in botte o barrique: 6 months
Affinamento in bottiglia: 4 years
Eventuali correzioni: NO
Uso di mosto concentrato/mosto concentrato rettificato: NO
Utilizzo di concentratore: NO
Pratiche di “salasso”:
Resa uva/vino:
Numero di bottiglie prodotte: 1200
Tipologia bottiglia: burgundian
Tappo in: Natural cork
Controllo temperatura cantina o magazzino:
Destinazione delle vinacce:
Produzione di grappe o distillati:
Le caratteristiche chimiche
Titolo alcolometrico: 13,5 %
Acidità: 5,8 g/l
Estratto secco: <2 g/l
Anidride solforosa libera:
Anidride solforosa totale: 6 mg/l
Descrizione organolettica e libera
Il mio vino è:
Red and black fruit, balsamic and spicy. Complex, round and fresh
Prezzo sorgente relativo alla bottiglia: 16 €